Tuesday, October 25, 2011


http://iqfloors.com/Colorado_Springs/SmartstrandCarpet.htmlI was born in the carpet business, which makes me the life of any party.  So long as everyone attending wants to hear about fiber strength and carpet claims.  I bring this up not as a badge of honor, but to explain why very few products even catch my attention.  Carpets are all the same, and same is boring.  same feel, same look, same this, same that.
Smartstrand began to change all that a few years ago.  Suddenly, a story was born, and carpet stores need stories.  We love stories.
Okay, you take corn in lieu of oil and you make carpet out of it, BRILLIANT!  If that's all there was, then the carpet would be a bestseller.  Less energy consumption, renewable resources, and recycled content make this one of the more conscious carpet collections in the industry.
But, wait, there's more!  Smartstrand carpet is the softest carpet in the industry.  Without question, the touch of smartstrand is better than any other fiber by far.  I have "posh origins" in my house.  I installed it in 2009 when it first was introduced.  It's still soft, still looks brand new, and has been amazing at cleaning common spills like coffee, tea, and juices.
When customers come into my store, I have a story that really engages them.  Everything they are looking for is everything that smartstrand has to offer.

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